Homepage Feature

Best of Cheshire

Timber and stone: A half-timbered Tudor house on Horsley Lane, with Beeston Castle behind Cheshire’s Sandstone Trail is one [...]

Wildlife on the Sandstone Trail

Making a comeback: Barn owl numbers are steadily increasing across rural Cheshire Cheshire is still a pleasantly rural county [...]

Castles on the Sandstone Trail

'Castle of the Rock': Beeston Castle rises high above the Cheshire Plain The Cheshire countryside along the Sandstone Trail [...]

Walking the Sandstone Trail

Information for walkers: Blue-painted information panels crop up regularly along the Sandstone Trail The Sandstone Trail is undoubtedly one [...]

Walking books for the trail

Design delight: These inspiring modern walking books are a pleasure to use These superb walking books will soon get you out [...]

Walks in Delamere Forest

Green tunnel: The Sandstone Trail runs through Nettleford Wood on the edge of Delamere Forest Originally created as a [...]

Caves on the Sandstone Trail

Bat cave?: Now closed off to protect rare roosting bats, the caves at Beeston probably once housed Civil war horses [...]

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